Fear Is No Reason to Lose Faith
Today, I want to talk about fear in those things that hold us back. I'm afraid of snakes and I'm going to tell you all about it here in this episode and we're going to relate it to our lives and business and everything else and see if we can't get past that fear. Let's listen.
Today, I want to talk about fear in those things that hold us back. I'm afraid of snakes and I'm going to tell you all about it here in this episode and we're going to relate it to our lives and business and everything else and see if we can't get past that fear. Let's listen.
Hey guys, today we're going to talk about one of my greatest fears and that is snakes. I am morbidly afraid of snakes. Matter of fact up until recently I was like so afraid of snakes that if I even saw like pictures of snakes on book covers, I would jump back or if I saw one on TV or on the internet page, I would flinch, you know, and I'm like, Oh my gosh, this is finally, it's too close. It got to me. But I joined a group on Facebook so that I could actually try and get over my fear of snakes. I decided that sometime soon. I've been saying this for awhile, sometime soon, maybe never if I don't put a date on it, but I haven't quite gotten that brave yet. I'm going to actually get to the point where I can actually touch a snake and then eventually maybe even hold one in my hand.
So right now I will tell you that I've gone from flinching at pictures to being able to, I went into a pet store the other day and walked down the reptile aisle, which just used to terrify me to death because I'd always be looking on the floor to see if there was anything crawling at me or under me or, or getting ready to jump out at me. And I walked all the way down the aisle and at the end there was a, a ball Python and now someone has actually described ball pythons as the, the puppies of snakes. And I really can't wrap my head around that description of pythons being the, the puppies of snakes. Cause I love puppies but snakes still haven't gotten to me yet. But I will say this about snakes and that is as much as I dislike them, I am not one of those people who wants to just kill them when I see them.
There are many people, I live in Florida right now and there are people who see snakes and the first thing they do is they look for a shovel or a hoe or a lot of people will go pull out their shotgun and they'll want to like, you know, shoot these little pellets at the S at the snakes and kill them. And it's like a trophy. It's like, yeah, I killed another snake and I've never been one to like want to kill the snakes. I just want them to stay on their side of the, of the yard, you know. And if they do that, I'm all good with it. But we're going to this, this all has a point and I want to read you a story that I've found on Facebook about a snake in the snake's name is faith. And let me just read this to you.
It's maybe five paragraphs longer. So, and I'm going to read it as it was written and then we're going to talk about it and relate it to things that I want to change about myself and things that maybe you'll want to consider also. So let me read this. There's, and if I can find a way to maybe post these pictures in my, a blog over on chili jam.com post the pictures and maybe repost this article once I get permission from the from the owner and I'm on Facebook right now. So if you hear more beings and booms like that, it's people trying to get in touch with me like that, which I can turn it off. I don't have a way to do that though. Anyway, so let me read this. It's a, it starts out and now this is from the Carolina waterfowl rescue.
And here's on November 20th, 2018 and here's what it says. Hey everybody, everyone, I'm going to get on a soapbox and it's probably going to be long. You follow our page and you know, we love and respect all animals. I'm particularly drawn to snakes because of how because and mistreated they are. This is faith. I named her because she came to me last night. I knew it was only going to be hope and faith to safer. Faith is abandoned water snake. She's completely harmless. They lived near the water and eat fish and frogs face kind is so often injured and killed because people think they are copperheads. This is sadly her fate as well. Base was attacked by a shovel. The bottom part of her body suffered. The top part has gashes from the shovel wounds. She breaks a some breaking her spine. If faith were another animal with for this would be worldwide news, it would be torture and cruelty. Sadly, nothing will come of it because faith is a snake. She's been suffering and moving around, trying to stay alive for weeks. She finally ran across a human and showed her kindness. She was brought to us her sweet little face. When she was brought to us, her feet, sweet little face slipped out of its pillowcase. And I could tell she knew we were trying to help her. She didn't lunge or buy.
The damage is done. The, we can't fix it for her. Her spine is damaged and some of her intestines aren't functioning
I just don't understand the why and the how people think. It's neither cool to brag about killing snakes. They're just misunderstood animals who are just trying to survive feel pain and fear. I have hope though. So many people tell me we have changed that their way of looking at snakes. So maybe you'll read this and faith won't, wouldn't have died for nothing. Education is the key and we will continue slipping in stories about these guys on our waterfowl page. Thanks for following and being a supporter. Now I read that about faith and I saw pictures of faith on their, on their page and I have to say, I don't know, scroll down just so I can describe what faith looks like. I'm actually looking at faith here and I see Faith's face and I recognized the result planted water snake because I had been following the snake page now for several weeks and I could look and I go, wow, that's a banded water snake, not a moccasin.
Now, faith did not make it of course. And and if this has been a dog, we'd be outraged. We'd be completely beside ourselves with, Oh my God, who could do this to an animal like that? We have laws against fighting you know roosters we have laws about making dog fights. We have all kinds of animals to protect. I think we don't have enough, but we have other laws about protecting some animals, but snakes pretty much seemed to be the most hated animal in the world. And I think they're misunderstood and I think that we as people might need to give them more of a chance and try and understand them. When I get to the point where my irrational fear will actually let me touch and hold a snake, I am going to post pictures about it and I will absolutely make another, another post about this.
So look, my, my website is chili jam, C H I L E J a m.com, and it will be on you'll see it there. I think it's going to be slash blog or slash podcast or something. But I'll put the pictures there and when I do make another recording here so that you, so you know about it. But here's what I want to say about business and about faith. We in business often avoid the things that are scary to us. The things we don't know about. Some people, it might be money for some people that might be doing, bringing in partners for the people that might be trying to grow from a single person business to expanding into, you know, bringing in employees or contractors, working on different projects that we haven't worked on before. And faith is that for us, that snake is what we are afraid of and we're afraid to touch it because we don't understand it.
I will submit to you to try and get over that fear. I'm going to try and get over my fear of snakes and, and, and I want to say embrace. It's hard for me to say that because I don't see it yet. I, it's, it is so foreign to me that I would be able to pick up a snake or even just be in the same room with a snake and not be freaking out. So, but, but, but I am going to try, I have an open mind and I'm going to embrace faith and see what I can do about becoming more accepting of the ideas that frightened me, not only with snakes but in my business because there are things that frightened me. And I hope you'll do the same thing. Get out of your comfort zone. Just take a step toward faith.
The thing that I did to start getting over my fear was I joined a group literally on Facebook that everyday people post pictures of snakes that they find and they want to know what kind of snake is this? And I think the group was called, what kind of snake is this? Florida. And I literally now, every night before I go to sleep, I'm in the group and I'm scrolling through and I'm going, ah, moccasin, you know, banded water, snake, black racer, you know, corn snakes. So I can identify these things. Now. I'm not really a hundred percent yet. You know, I'm like 70%. I can get most of them, you know. But the other thing that I'm waiting to have happen, I'm almost excited about is I want to see what happens. What do I do? How do I react the next time there's a snake in our yard.
Now there's snakes all over Florida. It is my you know, I literally walk around looking at the ground looking for snakes. It doesn't matter if I'm in a parking lot or if I'm walking across a freshly mowed field, or if I'm walking through on a hiking trail, which by the way, it's very hard to get me to go do that because of my fear of snakes. But I'm kind of excited to see what I'll do next time I see a snake. How will I react? And I'm hoping that I will react in a positive way where I don't run. I just kind of give the snake room and let it go about its business. I don't want to kill it. I don't want anyone else to kill it. I just want to let it be in coexist and I want my fear to subside. I'd hope that's what you do too. Still irrationally afraid of snakes. I'm getting over it and I'm going to grasp that fear. I hope you do too. Look at the things in your life that you're afraid of. See if you can't understand them a little bit better and see if you can't have faith. This is Michael Jackson. Peace. Everybody.